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Comprehensive Orthodontics Program ( 40 Credit Hours )
Development of dentition - Dr. Mohamed Atteya
1- Introduction & course outline
2-1-Gum pad Stage
2-2-Precociously erupted primary teeth
3-1- primary dentition stage (9:14)
3-2-Characteristics of 1ry dentition
3-3-Criteria of ideal occlusion in primary dentition (3:25)
4-1-mixed dentition stage
4-2-Eruption of first permanent molar- (5:35)
4-3-Exchange of incisors
4-4-Ugly duckling Stage- (4:49)
5-permenet dentition stage
Management of developing dentition - Dr. Ahmed Saeed
Introduction and course Outline_1
1- Stages of tooth development_1
2- Curve of growth_1 (9:33)
3- Pre-dentate stage_1
4- Primary dentition stage-_1 (3:28)
5- Mixed dentition_1
5.1 Early loss of primary teeth_1 (6:51)
6- space maintainer_1
7- Supernumerary Teeth_1
8- Hypodontia_1 (3:31)
9- Ectopic Canine_1 (6:34)
10- Primary failure of eruption_1
11- Thumb sucking_1
12- 1st permanent molar with poor prognosis_1 (6:03)
13-Retained Deciduous Teeth
14- Impacted 1st permanent molar_1
15- Dilaceration_1 (2:22)
16-Ugly duckling stage_1
Development of Occlusion - Dr. Abdallah Sharafeldein
2- Developmrnt Of Occclusion--1
3- Normal Occlussion- (11:23)
4- Normal Occlusion 2- (8:30)
Orthodontic Materials - Dr. Abdallah Sharafeldein
1- Introduction-
2- Arch Wires-
3- Arch Wires Classification- (2:09)
4- Stainless steel arch wires- (3:58)
5- Elgiloy wires-
6- Nickel-Titanium wires-
7- Ni-Ti wires 2-
8- Titanium Molybdenum Alloy wires- (2:21)
9- Wire Comparison-
10- Conclusion- (1:56)
Classification of malocclusion - Dr. Fady Hussien
1. Intro
2. Triad of Gnathological system (11:24)
3. The Six Keys To Normal Occlusion
4. Incisor Classification
5. Functional line of occlusion
6. Summary (1:07)
Diagnosis and clinical examination- Dr. Marwa Ahmed Keshk
Course Introduction
Lec 1 Why do patients need orthodontics -- (2:22)
Lec 2 Patient Selection (4:15)
Lec 3 Patient’s Records
Lec 4 Extra-Oral examination
Lec 5 Skeletal assesment
Lec 6 Skeletal antro-posterior assessment
Lec 7 Skeletal vertical & transverse assessment
Lec 8 Condylar Position (3:38)
Lec 9 Anterior functional shift (2:46)
Lec 10 Examination of the soft tissues
Lec 11 Smile analysis
Lec 12 Intra-Oral Examination
Lec 13 Normal occlusion vs Malcoolusion
Lec 14 Molar Classification
Lec 15 canine classification (2:50)
Lec 16 Incisor classification (5:17)
Lec 17 Problem list (2:34)
Lec 18 Informed Consent (2:03)
Cases (20:07)
Orthodontic Photography - Dr. Mohamed Atteya
Introduction & outline (1:18)
1. Why Dental Photography is important? (8:33)
2. New Market Needs (6:02)
3. The Camera (13:23)
4. The Lens (11:51)
4.1 Aperature (11:42)
4.2 Macro Lenses (11:22)
5. The Sensor_1 (11:55)
5.1 Exposure modes (5:21)
5.2 Focus (6:29)
6. The Light- (17:25)
6.1 Twin Flash (10:14)
7. Recommended Cameras (11:36)
8. Accessories (16:25)
9. Settings (14:26)
Orthodontic Radiography - Dr. Mohamed Raafat
2-Overview on radiograph in orthodontics (3:08)
3-Types of radiographs
4-Intra-oral Radiographs
5-Extra-oral radiograph
6-When to take radiographs (18:51)
7-1- Cephalometrics
7-2- Cephalometric uses
7-3-Cephalometric evaluation
8. Downs analysis (7:51)
9. McNamara analysis (3:26)
10. Eastman analysis
11. soft tissue analysis (1:36)
Clinical cases - Dr. Marwa Sayed
Case 2 (8:38)
Case 3
Decision Making in Orthodontics to Extract or Not- Dr. Omar Bayoumi
Introduction (1:18)
1. Dental & Skeletal Classification (4:12)
2. Cephalometric Analysis (6:01)
3. Growth Prediction & Modification (8:41)
4. Clinical Examination Notes (11:06)
5. Space Analysis Notes (12:47)
6. Case 1 (14:32)
7. Case 2 (9:01)
8. Case 3 (5:38)
management of Supernumerary Teeth - Dr. Waleed Elshehawi
1- introduction
2- Definition and incidence Etiology (3:00)
3- Classfication and Types of Supernumeraries
4- Management of Supernumeraries
5- Recommendation- (3:54)
6- Retention of corrected result (2:40)
7- Cases presentation
Dental Cast Analysis - Dr. Abdullah Ali
1.Intro (2:30)
2. Cast Analysis (2:41)
3. Classification Permanent Dentition cast analysis (15:49)
4. Mixed Dentition cast analysis (2:10)
5. Diagnostic setup (5:53)
6. Total space analysis- (6:41)
7. Space Requirements (6:46)
8. Space Creation and Space Use (3:00)
Treatment Planning in Orthodontics - Dr. Omar Yousry
intro & course outline
Lec 1 Orthodontic treatment plan in brief
Lec 2 Objective of orthodontics (2:43)
Lec 3 Orthodontic problem list (7:29)
Lec 4 Criteria of finished cases (tratment objectives)
Lec 5 Orthodontic diagnosis
Lec 6 Omar smart sheet for orthodontic treatment plan (7:12)
Lec 7 Orthodontic Treatment need-
Lec 8 Time of Treatment (9:03)
Lec 9 Type of orthodontic treatment
Lec 10 Preventive or interceptive (1:47)
Lec 11 Orthopedic -
Lec 12 Orthognathic -
Lec 13 Compromised treatment or adjunctive (4:37)
Lec 14 Extaction or not
Lec 15 crowding
Lec 16 Tooth size arch length relationship (6:41)
Lec 17 Over Bite
Lec 18 midline
Lec 19 Canine relation
Lec 20 Appearance (6:34)
Lec 21 Common Extraction Pattern (4:59)
Lec 22 Class II division 1
Lec 23 Class II division 2
Lec 24 Class III
Lec 25 Subdivision (5:44)
Lec 26 Common Extraction Pattern ( Summary ) (3:04)
Lec 27 Which tooth to extract- (2:55)
Lec 28 Orthontic treatment plan part 1 (Cases) -
Lec 29 Orthontic treatment plan part 2 (Cases)
Biomechanics - Dr. Abubakr Reda
1. Introduction_1_1
2. Essential Skills of Orthodontist_1_1 (1:08)
3. Biomechanics_1_1
4.Orthodontic forces_1_1 (1:08)
5. Magnitude of force_1_1
6. Duration of force_1_1
7. Root surface area in relation to force_1_1 (0:45)
8. Mechanics of tooth movement_2_1
9.1 Outline_1 (1:18)
9.2 Scalers and Vectors_1 (0:41)
9.3 Force_1
9.4 Resultant & components_1 (1:29)
9.5 Center of resistance_1
9.6 Center of rotation_1_1
9.7 Moments_1 (3:14)
9.8 Law of transmissibility & Point of application_1
9.9 Center of the mass_1 (2:51)
9.10 Couple_2 (4:29)
9.11 Moment to force ratio_2
10. Static equilbrium_1
Anchorage in Orthodontics - Dr. Abdullah Ali
0. Intro
1. Definition & Concept
2. Classification (19:57)
3. Factors affecting anchorage
4. Anchorage planning
5. Augmenting the anchorage
6. Anchorage loss (7:06)
7. Home Message- (1:24)
Removable appliances - Dr. Ahmed Saeed
1- Course Outline_1
2- Indication of Removable appliance_1
3- Types of tooth movement_1 (6:22)
4- Mode of action of removable appliances_1
5-1- Removable appliance design 1-Active component_1
5-2- Removable appliance design 2-Retainers_1 (6:31)
5-3- Removable appliance design 3-Base plate_1
6- Commonly used removable appliances_1 (11:44)
Contemporary Fixed Orthodontic Appliances - Dr. Marwa Sayed
2. The evolution of fixed appliances- (1:14)
3. Types of tooth movements
4. Fixed appliance components
5. brakets- (5:19)
6. Designs
7. Bracket size (2:08)
8. Number of tie-wings
9. Prescriptions Bracket Slot - Bracket Material (2:44)
10. Arch wires
11. Auxiliaries (1:46)
12. Stages of treatment offixed appliances
Functional appliances - Dr. Bishoy Maxwell
Introduction and outline
History of functional appliances (3:00)
Definition of functional appliances (0:56)
Effect of functional appliances
Classification of functional appliances (2:35)
Indications of functional appliances
Contraindications of functional appliances (2:21)
Clark’s Twin Block
Clinical diagnosis
Records (2:10)
Bite registration (4:44)
Special twin block cases
Different treatment phases
Case presentation (3:49)
Fixed Functional Appliances
Retention & stability - Dr.Bishoy Maxwell
1. Intro - Outline
2. Definitions (6:10)
3. Retention
4. Types of Retainers
5. Removable Retainers 1
6. Removable Retainers 2 (4:45)
7. factors affecting duration of retention (4:16)
8. Arch form
9. Adjunctive Techniques
10. Summary (4:53)
Interceptive Orthodontics - Dr. Mostafa Fathy
1-Interceptive treatment in orthodontics (19:22)
2.1.General treatment modalities in orthodontics (3:07)
2.2.General treatment modalities in orthodontics (3:17)
3-Class II and class III interception (23:41)
4- Balancing and compensating extraction (16:42)
5- Interception in presence of habits (18:11)
6-Interception in crowding (11:18)
7- Early Loss of Primary Teeth (3:14)
8- Interception of impacted canines and centrals (6:16)
9- Early Treatment of Cross-bites (8:52)
10- Prophylactic extraction of 8s (4:54)
Functional Appliances - Dr. Waleed Elshehawi
1-Introduction & outline
2-Definition, history and aims of treatment (1:02)
3-Indications and contraindications
4-Growth prediction (10:49)
5-Mechanism of action
6 - classification of functional appliances (1:14)
7-Types of Functional appliances in Class II (1:14)
7-1. Bionator
7-2. Medium opening activator
7-3 Frankel appliance (0:57)
7-4 Headgear_Sub_01 (14:28)
7-5 Fixed functional (Forsus appliance)
7-6 Twin block (4:28)
8-How to diagnose a case suitable for functional appliances-
9-Ideal features in case to be treated by functional appliance (2:21)
10- Step by step technique for twin block fabrication
11-Appliance fitting and reviewing (Instructions to patients) (10:30)
12-Transitional phase to fixed appliances (7:03)
13-Case Examples
Class III malocclusion - Dr. Waleed Elshehawi
1- intro and course outline
2-Definition and Incidence (0:53)
3-Etiology (2:07)
4-Skeltal Factors
5-Soft tissues factors (1:54)
6-Dento-alveolar factors
7-Monitoring Growth- (6:04)
8-Treatment aims (2:47)
9-Interceptive treatment of class III
10-Pseudo Class III Malocclusion
11-Growth Modification (1:11)
12-Face Mask Therapy
13-Face mask therapy + palatal expantion (4:40)
14-Face mask therapy (cases) (6:10)
15-Stability of face mask therapy (2:38)
16-Other functional appliances
17-Chin cup therapy (4:01)
18-Orthodontic Camouflage
19-Orthodontic camouflage (cases)
20-Orthognathic surgery (9:18)
21-Stability of corrected result (3:16)
22-Retention of corrected result
Management of Class I - Dr. Mohamed Raafat
1-Introduction & Outline
2-Class I malocclusion classification
3-Class I malocclusion etiology and features (2:07)
3-1-Skeletal (Ant-posterior) (8:25)
3-2-Skeletal (Vertical)
3-3-Skeletal (Horizontal)
4-Soft tissue in Class I malocclusion (3:16)
5-Dental factors in Class I malocclusion (15:54)
6-Environmental factors in Class I malocclusion (7:03)
7-Treatment of cross bite
8-Treatment of open bite
9-Treatment of Tooth number, shape,crowding & Transposition (3:59)
Class II malocclusion - Dr. Mostafa Ghoniem
Course Introduction
Lec 1 Dunning-Kruger Effect
Lec 2 Classification & Etiology of Class II (2:52)
Lec 3 Epidemiology (1:43)
Lec 4 Diagnosis-
Lec 5 Clinical Examination
Lec 6 Lateral Cephalometry ( ANB angle ) (5:24)
Lec 7 Lateral Cephalometry ( Wits Apprasial )
Lec 8 Lateral Cephalometry ( Harvold Unit ) (2:29)
Lec 9 Mismatch !- (2:20)
Lec 10 Treatment options for skeletal class II
Lec 11 Growth Modification (When) (6:19)
Lec 12 Growth Modification (How)
Lec 13 Headgear & Twinblock (1:56)
Lec 14 Clinical Case (Twin Block)
Lec 15 Treatment Step by Step-
Lec 16 Result after end of Phase 1 & 2 (5:55)
Lec 17 Fixed Functional & Van Beek
Lec 18 Early VS Late Intervention (3:40)
Lec 19 Camouflage (6:52)
Lec 20 Clinical case ( Camouflage )
Lec 21 Mandibular repositioning
Lec 22 Orthognathic Surgery (2:10)
Lec 23 Retention
Lec 24 Class II Clinical Case (5:33)
Addressing the Transverse Dimensions (Cross-bite) - Dr. Mostafa Adel
2-Definition and prevelance of posterior crossbite (1:57)
3-1-Etiology (17:34)
3-2-Types of posterior crossbite
4-Diagnosis of posterior crossbite
5-Why to treat posterior crossbite (4:27)
6-Management of posterior crossbite
7-Quad helix appliance in the management (11:33)
8-E- labial arch & URA - expansion screw
9-Evidence on different appliances comparsion (4:32)
10-Fixed appliance mechanics
11-Slow & slow rapid expansion applainces (5:06)
12-Other different types of expansion appliances
13-Evidence of using previous appliances (6:08)
14-Rapid expansion
15-Modern expansion appliances (3:25)
16-Surgical options (4:54)
Open Bite - Dr. Abubakr Reda
1. introduction
2. General knowledge about open bite (9:30)
3. Etiology of open bite 3.1 Part 1
3.2 Part 2 (9:49)
4. Diagnosis of open Bite (4-1. Skeletal Open Bite)
4.2 Dental Open Bite (9:42)
5- Treatment of open bite (Mixed dentition) 5.1- Habits
5-2 Porolonged Habits Effect (13:21)
6. treatment of open bite (permanent dentition)
7-1. Extrusive mechanics (13:12)
7-2. Extrusive mechanics (MEAW Arch) (2:52)
7-3. Extrusion mechanics
8. posterior intrusion (11:47)
9. Retention of corrected open bite
1. infra ocluded primary molar (6:56)
2. management of infra occlusion
Deep Bite Management - Dr. Abubakr Reda
1-Introduction &course outline-
2-Definition of deep bite (2:05)
3-Why deep bite should be treated - (2:31)
4-Etiology of deep bite-
4-1-Etiology of deep bite- (3:42)
4-2Etiology of deep bite-
6-Treatment of Deep bite
7-Proclination (2:09)
8-Incisors intrusion or molar extrusion - (8:55)
9-Technique Of Molar Extrusion Treatment
9-1Technique Of Molar Extrusion Treatment- (6:29)
9-2-Technique Of Molar Extrusion Treatment-
9-3-Technique Of Molar Extrusion Treatment- (4:30)
10-True intrusion (3:55)
11-Biomechanical considerations
12-Intrusive mechanics- (11:25)
12-1-Intrusive arch-
12-2-Intrusive arch- (1:58)
12-3Intrusive mechanics Mini screws TADs (8:24)
13-Retention of corrected deep bite
Interceptive Orthodontics - Dr. Omar Yousry
1. introduction (0:55)
2-Interciptive Orthodontics (5:43)
3-Space problems (4:54)
4-Serial extraction (11:18)
5-1-Orthopedic problems - (10:07)
5-2-Deficient maxilla- (4:22)
5-3-Open bite- (3:03)
5-4-Closed bite & Maxillay constriction- (3:57)
6-Dental and Space Problems (6:52)
7-1-Eruption problems - (16:20)
7-2-lateral Incisor - (5:53)
7-3-Canine- Potentially Impacted Canine (4:11)
7-4-Submerged E (1:53)
7-5-Ectopic 6- (9:42)
8-1-functional problems- (11:20)
8-2-Functional Shift- (2:49)
9-Summary (3:47)
Management of impaction - Dr. Mohamed Zaghloul
2-Orientation case
3-Ectopic vs Impacted teeth (2:10)
4-Canine eruption (5:59)
5-Diagnosis of ectopia (4:22)
6-Etiology of impacted canine
7-Risks of impacted canine (4:02)
8-Prognosis of impacted canine
9-Exercise (1:43)
10-Treatment modalities
11-Treatment option - Accept (3:56)
12-Treatment option - Extraction of the deciduous canine
13-Treatment option - Surgical removal (4:19)
14-Treatment option - Steps of exposure and orthodontic alignment
15-Step 1 - Arch alignment and space opening (1:38)
16-Step 2 - Surgical Uncovering - Attachment - Orthodontic traction
17-Traction (7:21)
18-Management of impacted canine - case presentation
19-Anchorage Preparation (3:31)
20-Surgical uncovering in relation to the site of impaction (3:32)
21-1- Case example -1
21-2- Case example -2 (15:50)
21-3- Case example -3
22-Lecture summary and discussion (14:33)
Extraction in orthodontics- Dr. Omar Yousry
Extraction in orthodontics ( Therapeutic extraction )
Serial extraction in deciduous teeth
Moderate crowding in deciduous teeth extraction (3:29)
Severe crowding serial extraction-
Supernumerary extraction (5:01)
Potentially Impacted Canine
Interceptive treatment (3:57)
Extraction of badly decayed first molar
Common Extraction Pattern (Summary) (5:06)
Which tooth to extract
Management of Impacted / Unerupted Teeth - Dr. Mostafa Adel
1-Introduction & Outline
2-Impaction causes (4:22)
3-When a tooth become impacted
4-Tooth specific impactions (3:16)
5-Impacted canines Causes and Diagnosis
5-1-Diagnosis of impacted teeth (8:04)
5-2-Radiographic assesment of impacted canine
6-Management options for impacted canine
7-Surgical techniques of management (13:47)
8-Eruption mechanics (8:43)
Clear Aligners - Dr. Waleed Elshehawi
1-Introduction & Course Outline
2-What are Aligners
3-Current aligners companies (1:54)
4-Ideal aligner material
5- Aligner kit content (5:32)
6- Mechanism of action
7-Aligners vs. fixed appliances
8-Indicatios and contrainications (3:26)
9-Contraindications (6:35)
10-Step by step case submission requirements
11-Aligner Biomechanics
11-1-Extraoral & Intraoral Photos (3:47)
11-2-Case life cycle (11:20)
11-3-One step PVS impressions
12-Attachements and inter-proximal reduction (IPR) (4:46)
12-1-Attachments Overview (9:02)
12-3-the Shapes of Attachments
12-4-Attachments Placement
12-5 -Attachments Placement errors (2:31)
12-6-Inter-proximal reduction (IPR)
13-Monitoring and troubleshooting- (9:04)
14-How to monitor troubleshoot any problem that might occur during treatment (9:36)
14-1- Attachments & External factors
14-2- Aligner mishaps & Difficult movements (4:16)
14-3- Non-tracking laterals & Tissue impingement (5:04)
14-4-Root Position & Lateral Openbite at the end
15-Retention of corrected result
16-Case Example- Class 1 crowding (3:01)
16-1-Case Example-Class11-1
16-2-Case Example-Class11-2 (5:10)
Clinical problems in orthodontics - Dr. Fady Hussien
1. Clinical Problems ( Root Resorbtion) (15:12)
2. Big Diastema (5:31)
3. Wisdom teeth (12:04)
4. Anchroge (5:45)
Ortho-Perio and Perio-Ortho Relationship - Dr.Nada Zazou
1. Intro-Outline-1 (0:43)
2.1 What Can Ortho Do To Me---2 (3:58)
2.2 Single Anterior Cross Bites , Severe Deep Bites, Crowding And Proclination-3 (3:52)
2.3 Occlusal Trauma, Up Righting, Extrusion & Tooth Movement Into The Defect-4 (8:45)
2.4 Intrusion-5 (3:49)
3. Time Realationship Between Orthodontic And Periodontal Therapy --6 (2:10)
4.1 What Can Perio Do To You--7 (4:39)
4.2 Crown Exposure-8 (5:22)
4.3 Ortho-Perio Biggest Nightmare-9 (6:32)
4.4 Accelerated Tooth Movement And High Frenum-10 (4:39)
4.5 Papilla-11 (2:05)
Clear Aligners - Dr.Hesham Amer
00- Intro & Course Skeleton_hesham amer (1:11)
01- Introduction (4:47)
02- Clear Aligners Uses & History (8:39)
03- Aligners Progress (5:30)
04- How to convince the patient of clear aligners (3:46)
05- Aligners advantages (5:49)
lec 6 Disadvantages & Records Needed (7:13)
lec 7 Attachments & Ipr (8:08)
lec 8 Simple Cases Treated With Invisalign (7:40)
09- Complex cases treated with Invisalign and some failures (4:03)
lec 10 Case Selection (4:10)
Methods of Gaining Spaces in Orthodontics- Dr. Mohamed Raafat
2-Why we need spaces (4:01)
3-How can we get spaces
4-Inter-proximal stripping IPR (11:04)
5-Expansion appliances
6-Molar Distalization
7-Proclination of Anterior Teeth
8-Extraction (18:26)
9-Molar uprighting
10-Summary (1:34)
Lec 9 Mismatch !-
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