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Recent Endodontics Program ( 5 credit hours )
Regenerative Endodontics - Dr.Ahmed Shawky
Intro (Curriculum , Objectives & Alternatives)
1_Challenge In Dealing With Immature Teeth & Case Selection (4:59)
2_How To Prepare Fully Revascularization By Canal Disinfection Protocol
3_Application Of Scaffold
4_How To Monitor Clinical & Radiographic Outcomes (8:02)
Endo Surgery - Prof. Mohamed Mahmoud
Lec 0_Introduction
Lec 1_Micro Surgery Armamentarium,Indications & Contraindications (7:37)
Lec 2_Surgical Technique 1- (Hemostasis)
Lec 3_Surgical Technique 2- (Flap Types,Design & Incision) (11:34)
Lec 4_Surgical Technique 3-(Hard Tissue Management)
Lec 5_Root End Preparation (6:55)
Lec 6_Retrograde Filling Materials
Lec 7_Flap Closure , Wound Healing , Mental Nerve Management (8:41)
Lec 8_Clinical Cases (15:07)
Cone Beam CT in Endodontics Prof.Dr.Ahmed Ghobashy
0.Course Introduction
1. 2D imaging V.S Virtual reality
2.The Virtual reality in endodontics - CBCT (6:20)
3.CBCT advantages
4.1st modality of CBCT in endodontics - 3D Imaging (4:59)
4-1 Uses of 3D Imaging 1
4-2 Uses of 3D Imaging 2 (7:33)
5-2nd modality of CBCT in endodontics - 3D Reconstruction
6-3rd modality of CBCT in endodontics - 3D Printing (5:50)
7-Take home message for all 3D modalities (7:30)
Minimally Invasive Endodontics - Prof.Dr. Mohsen Nour El Deen
1. Intro-
2. Def and Traditional Endo Cavities (3:06)
3. Key Objectives of Endodontic Access Cavity
4. Aids, Armamentarium amd Guidelines for conservative access cavity preparation (6:10)
5. Access preparation in anterior teeth
6.1 Access preparation in posterior teeth
6.2 Orifice Directed Access (1:20)
6.3 Stepped Access Cavity
6.4 Caries Directed Access (2:00)
6.5 Truss Access Cavity (2:32)
7. Shaping the root canal space (4:13)
8. Advantages and Disadvantages of conservative access cavity- (4:00)
9. Conclusion (1:00)
10. Case Presentation (2:18)
11. Summary (2:27)
The Pink Tooth - Dr. Mohamed Hamed
1-The Pink Tooth
2-How it Happens-
3- How to Diagnose-
4-How to Manage- (11:24)
5. Access preparation in anterior teeth
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