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Basic and Advanced Occlusion Program ( 25 CREDIT HOURS )
Occlusion Basics - Dr.Michael Iskander
1-Introduction to occlusion basics & functions.mp4
2-Occlusion Definition - Planes And Curves-2 (7:08)
3-Anatomical Components-3 (4:46)
4-Functional Muscles Of Mastication-4
5-Basic Terminology Of Occlusion-5 (3:36)
6-Anterior Guidance-6
7-Lateral Guidance-7 (2:32)
8-Border Movements In Sagittal Plane With Restorative Considerations-8
Occlusion of Natural Teeth - Prof.Dr.Osama Baraka
1-Course Outline And Introduction-1
2-Occlusion Definitions-2 (4:18)
3-Centric Occlusal Contacts--3 (8:41)
4-Types Of Centric Relation Contacts-4
5-Concepts Of Occlusion In Centric Position (Static Occlusion)-5 (11:53)
6-Organization Of The Occlusion (Dynamic Occlusion)-6 (9:27)
7-Posterior Disclusion-7
8-Summary-8 (4:05)
Introduction to Clinical Occlusion in Restorative Dentistry - Prof. Dr. Mohamed M. A. Mohsen
1- Introduction-1
2- Definitions About Occlusion-2 (4:19)
3- Masticatory System-3 (6:34)
4- Occlusion In Complete Dentistry-4
5- Diagnosis & Ttt Planning To Achieve Optimum Oral Health-5 (8:45)
6- Review For Some Of The Most Common Cases That May Be Encountered-6
Mandibular Movements - Prof.Dr. Yasser Baraka
2-Factors Affecting The Mandibular Movement-2 (13:18)
3-Basic Mandibular Movements-3
4-Mandibular Movements From A Practical Point Of View-4 (1:45)
5-Tracing The Mandibular Movements-5 (14:28)
6-Mandibular Movements In Relation To Different Planes-6
7-Condylar Movement-7 (4:06)
Dental Articulators - Prof.Dr. Yasser Baraka
Introduction & Course Outlines-6
1. Types Of Dental Articulators-1 (2:18)
2. A- Based On Adjustability 1- Simple Hinge Articulators-2
3. A- Based On Adjustability 2- Fixed Or Mean Value Condylar Path Articulators-3 (4:14)
4 A- Based On Adjustability 3- Adjustable Condylar Path Articulators-4
5. B- Based On Position Of Condylar Elements-5
Facebows and Reference Plains - Prof.Dr. Yasser Baraka
1- Intro And Course Outline-1
2- Reference Plane-2 (3:32)
3- The Most Commonly Used Reference-3
4- Face-Bows-4 (5:42)
5- Types Of Face-Bows-5 (2:55)
6- Methods Of Locating Terminal Hinge Axis-6
7- Fascia Face Bow-7 (8:17)
8- Ear Face Bow-8
Jaw Relationships in Natural Dentition - Prof.Dr.Osama Baraka
2-Jaw Relation Orientation-2 (5:15)
3-Vertical Jaw Relations And Its Measurment-3
4-Vertical Dimension Increase--5 (14:09)
4-2 Mandibular Relaxation Splint-4 (11:21)
5-1-Significance Of Centric Relation-6
5-2-Recording Centric Relation In Natural Teeth-7
5-3-Manipulating The Jaw For Centric Relation-8
5-4-Load Testing For Verifying Centric Relation-9 (3:26)
6-Centric Relation-10 (7:21)
7-Recording Eccentric Jaw Relation-11
8-Summary-12 (5:12)
Recording Occlusal Relationships in Complete Denture - Prof.Dr. Yasser Baraka
1-2-Outline-1 (3:38)
2-Basic Mandibular Positions-3
3-Occlusal Plane-4 (7:47)
4-Adjustment Of Upper Record Blocks-5
5-The Vertical Dimension-6 (3:39)
6-Centric Relation (Interocclusal Registration Method)
7-CENTRIC RELATION (Functional Gothic Arch Tracing Method) (7:07)
Occlusal Rehabilitation in Fixed Prosthodontics - Prof.Dr. Osama Baraka
Course Introduction-10
1- Difference Between Confermative Mode & Re Organized Mode-1 (2:12)
2- Confermative Mode-2 (2:04)
3- Technique Of Confermative Approach-14
4-Design-3 (3:28)
5- Maximum Intercuspation Records-12 (5:55)
6- Eccentric Jaw Relation Record And Adjustment Of The Articulator--11
7-The Re-Organized Mode - Approach-4 (3:45)
8-Technique Of Re-Organization Of The Occlusion-5 (2:34)
9-Stabilize The Jaw And Posterior Tooth Relationships-7 (13:50)
10-Diagnostic Wax-Up Phase-6
11-Provisional Restorations-13 (3:57)
12-The Definitive Restorations-8 (1:13)
13-Customizing Incisal Guidance Table--9
Occlusal Concepts in Removable Prosthodontics - Prof.Dr. Yasser Baraka
Lec 1 Vertical Jaw Relation-1
Lec 2 Treat At Centric Jaw Relation Or Centric Occlusion-6 (5:05)
Lec 3 Methods Of Establishing Occlusion Articulator Technique--7 (9:03)
Lec 4 Procedures-8
Lec 5 Balanced Occlusion (Gnathological Concept)-9 (5:39)
Lec 6 Advantages & Disadvantages-10 (5:02)
Lec 7 Factors Affecting Balanced Articulation-11 (5:53)
Lec 8 Compensating Curve Orientation Of The Occlusal Plane --12
Lec 9 The End Controlling Factors-13 (4:07)
Lec 10 Monoplane Occlusion-2 (2:08)
Lec 11 Features Of Monoplane Occlusion-3
Lec 12 Features Of The Teeth--4 (5:28)
Lec 13 Lingualized Occlusion-5
Complete Denture Occlusion - Dr. Osama ElOkbi
Course Outline (0:55)
1. The Complex Of Bad Reputation Of Complete Dentures-1 (6:06)
2. Steps Of Complete Denture Fabrication-5
3. Success Of Complete Dentures-6 (6:59)
4. Jaw Relations (Stability)-7 (3:14)
5-1. Occlusal Plane--8 (13:43)
5-2. Vertical Relation-9 (12:15)
5-3. Horizontal Relation-10 (9:51)
6. Different Methods For Obtaining CR-11
8. Four Key Points To Enhance Unilateral Balance-13
9. Ten Landmarks To Use For Determining Denture Teeth Position-14 (4:09)
10. Try In Stage Corrections For Occlusal Errors-2
11. Insertion Stage-3 (8:11)
12. Clinical Remounting-4
Occlusion for full mouth rehabilitation - Dr. Osama Gab Allah
Course introduction
1-Definition (1:48)
2-Centric Relation
3-Maximum Intercuspation (5:20)
4-When to use centric relation in Maximum intercuspation (3:29)
5-Recording Centic Relation- (8:41)
6-Vertical Dimension
7-When the Vertical Dimension is lost-
8-How to record Vertical Dimension
9-Face bow & Articulators (4:45)
10-Custom Incisal Guidance table
11-Clinical Work Flow 1 (4:57)
12-Diagnosis 1
13-Diagnosis 2 (7:31)
14-Digital Smile design 1
15-Digital Smile design 2
16-Wax up (2:25)
17-Clinical Work Flow 2 (5:23)
18-DSD in full mouth rehabilitation (periodontics)-
19-Implant (2:30)
20-Restoring Vertical Dimension
Summary (3:46)
Live Demos for occlusion records-Prof. Dr. Yasser Baraka
2-Articulators ( Fixed Condylar Path )-2 (5:10)
3-Facebows (Whip Mix)-3
4-Whip Mix Sysytem ( Articulator - Facebow)-4 (24:52)
5-Hanau Articulator-5 (23:05)
6-Occlusal Stent-6
9-Stabilize The Jaw And Posterior Tooth Relationships-7
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