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MJDF,MFDS and MFD Part 1 Preparatory Program
MJDF guide
MJDF Preparatory Course "Emergency" - Dr. Sandra Wagdi
(2)1-Introduction-1 (1:17)
(2)2-Emergency Equipment-4 (7:26)
(2)3-Emergency Drugs-5 (3:31)
(2)4-Fainting (Vaso-Vagal Syncope)-6 (8:28)
(2)5-Acute Cardiac Chest Pain-7 (5:59)
(2)6-Adrenal Insufficiency-8 (5:13)
(2)7-Anaphylactic Reactions-9 (7:42)
(2)8-Asthma-10 (3:54)
(2)9-Epilepsy-11 (5:42)
(2)10-Hypoglycaemia -2 (5:11)
(2)11-Foreign Body Inhalation-3 (5:20)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Local Anesthesia" Dr. Sandra Wagdi
1. Introduction--1(1) (0:34)
2. Topical Analgesic --2 (0:39)
3. Local Analgesics- Indications, Contra-Indications And Tools-9 (2:42)
3-2. Local Anesthetic Cartridge 3-2-1. Vasoconstrictor-4 (3:09)
3-2-2. Local Agents-3 (6:54)
3-3. Calculation Of Dose-5 (4:08)
3-4. Techniques-6 (2:44)
3-5. Failure Of Local Anesthesia-7 (2:21)
3-6. Complications--8 (3:44)
4. Consciuos Sedation- 4-1. Definition, Indication And Contra-Indication-11 (4:43)
4-2. Techniques Of Sedation-10 (8:59)
5. General Anathesia - Defenition, Indication And Commun Adverse Effect-12 (4:40)
6. Other Techniques- Cbt, Hypnotherapy And Acupuncture-13 (3:05)
7. References--14 (1:35)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Local Anesthesia". - Dr. Sandra Wagdi
1. Introduction--1 (0:34)
2. Topical Analgesic --2(1) (2:41)
3. Local Analgesics- Indications, Contra-Indications And Tools-9 (2:42)
3-2. Local Anesthetic Cartridge 3-2-1. Vasoconstrictor-4 (3:09)
3-2-2. Local Agents-3 (6:54)
3-3. Calculation Of Dose-5 (4:08)
3-4. Techniques-6 (2:44)
3-5. Failure Of Local Anesthesia-7 (2:21)
3-6. Complications--8 (3:44)
4. Consciuos Sedation- 4-1. Definition, Indication And Contra-Indication-11 (4:43)
4-2. Techniques Of Sedation-10 (8:59)
5. General Anathesia - Defenition, Indication And Commun Adverse Effect-12 (4:40)
6. Other Techniques- Cbt, Hypnotherapy And Acupuncture-13 (3:05)
7. References--14 (1:35)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Drugs in Dentistry" - Dr. Mahmoud Eladawy
1. Introduction-1 (0:43)
2.1 Antibiotics-2 (12:19)
2.2 Antibiotics--3 (27:07)
3. Antifungul Medications-4 (6:03)
4. Antiviral Medications-5 (11:35)
New Lecture
MJDF Preparatory Course "Medical Emergency"- Dr. Mahmoud Eladawy
1. Introduction-1 (0:51)
2. History And Risk Assessment-5 (11:31)
3. DRSABCDE Approach-6 (23:52)
4.How To Be Prepared To Handle Emergency-7 (9:56)
5.1 Airway Emergency - Acute Asthmatic Attack - Choking Or Aspiration --8 (25:21)
5.2 Airway Emergency - Anaphylaxis --9 (11:39)
6. Ischemic Heart Disease-10 (12:36)
7. Vasovagal Episodes-11 (4:37)
8. Epilepsy-12 (11:59)
9. Hypogylcaemic Attack-13 (8:23)
10. Addison Disease-2 (6:05)
11. Needle Stick Emergnecy-3 (5:38)
12. What To Do If The Patient Is Not Responding To Emergency Treatment---4 (11:47)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Anesthesia" - Dr. Mahmoud Eladawy
1. Intro - Outline-1 (5:54)
2. Local Anathesia-2 (14:36)
3. Side Effects (Toxicities)-3 (8:04)
4. Maximum Recommended Dose-4 (15:00)
5. Other Anaesthetic Techniques-5 (2:04)
6. Conscious Sedation-6 (7:00)
6.1 Inhalational Sedation-7 (7:15)
6.2 Intravenous Sedation-8 (6:56)
6.3 Oral Sedation - Sedation For Children-9 (3:52)
7. General Anaesthesia-10 (3:58)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Endodontics"- Dr.Mai Samy
1. Intro - Outline (2:02)
2. Aims of RCT (5:10)
3. Diagnosis of Pain (8:54)
3.1 Special endodontic tests (12:56)
3.2 Diagnosis of endodontic pain (10:38)
4.1 Steps of root canal treatment (15:04)
4.2 Mechanical preparation (cleaning and shaping) (27:51)
4.3 obturation (10:57)
5. Endodontic mishaps (11:26)
6. Surgical endodontics (3:32)
7. Restoration of endo treated teeth (3:48)
8. Bleaching (15:17)
9. Summary (1:05)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Pedodontics"- Dr. Menna Allah Reda
Introduction & Outline (0:55)
1-Eruption Sequence (3:00)
2-Difference between primary and permanent teeth (9:16)
3-Behaviour management (7:56)
4-Childhood caries (12:58)
5- Diagnosis (9:39)
6-1-Pulpal Pathosis (8:07)
6-2-Direct & indirect pulp capping (8:03)
6-3-Pulpotomy (5:17)
6-4-Partial Pulpectomy (1:57)
6-5-Pulpectomy (4:49)
6-6-Apexification & Apexogenesis (10:32)
7- Pediatric Crowns (2:16)
8-1- Space Maintainers and Regainers (7:36)
8-2-Classification of space maintainers (16:31)
9- Trauma (6:52)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Oral Medicine" - Dr. Menna Allah Reda
Introduction & Course Outline-18 (1:13)
1- Viral Infections-1 (15:33)
2- Oral Ulcerations-10 (7:50)
3- Bacterial Infections--11 (12:31)
4- Fungal Infections-12 (10:51)
5-Vesiculobullous Lesions-13 (18:58)
6- Lichen Planus-14 (12:08)
7- White Patches-15 (15:53)
8- Tongue Abnormalities-16 (6:07)
9- Pigmented Lesions-17 (9:39)
10- Pre-Malignant Lesions-2 (8:55)
11-Oral Cancer-3 (8:47)
12-1- Salivary Gland Diseases-4 (1:43)
12-2- Cystic Lesions-5 (3:01)
12-3-Sialadenitis-6 (15:34)
12-4-Obstuctive Lesions-7 (5:14)
12-5- Salivary Gland Tumors-8 (2:51)
13-Exam Questions Examples-9 (5:09)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Law and Ethics" - Dr. Reham Ragab
1. Introduction--6 (4:32)
2. Fitness To Practice--10 (7:24)
3. Negligence--14 (7:41)
4. Complaints-8-17 (5:13)
5. Wise Precautions To Keep Yourself Safe-5-9-20 (3:55)
5.1. Consent--12-23 (10:19)
5.2 The Valid Concent-14-27 (2:48)
6. Professional Standards Of Ethics--16-31 (7:58)
6.1. NAI- Child Abuse--9-18-37 (4:25)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Prevention & Community" - Dr. Reham Ragab
1. Intro-1 (0:29)
2.1 Dental Caries- Definition And Types-2 (5:06)
2.2 Caries Diagnosis-3 (3:16)
2.3 Factors Involved In Development Of Caries--4 (1:39)
2.4 Caries Prevention-5 (3:55)
3.1 Factors Affecting Caries Control And Prevention- Bacterial Factor--6 (3:32)
3.2 “Substrate Factor” Sugars --7 (7:28)
3.3.1 Tooth Factor - Fluoride--8 (26:56)
3.3.2 Fissure Sealant --9 (2:55)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Applied Anatomy" - Dr. Mona Ragab
1. Introduction--1 (0:38)
2. Cranial Nerve--2 (12:45)
3. Gross Anatomy Of The Oral Cavity And Jaws--3 (6:03)
4. The Tongue--4 (6:35)
5. Tempromandibular Joint--5 (6:11)
6. Muscles Of Mastication--6 (10:47)
7. Muscles Of Facial Expression-7 (3:29)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Radiology" - Dr. Mona Ragab
1- Introduction And Scoop-1 (1:04)
2- Dental Xray Tube-4 (1:36)
3- Definitions And Image Formation-5 (4:15)
4- Radiographic Techniques-6 (9:45)
5- Advanced Imaging Techniques-7 (4:45)
6- Radiographic Contrast Techniques-8 (4:19)
7- Biological Effects Of Radiation-9 (3:52)
8- Dose Limitation In Dental Radiography (Radiation Protection)--10 (4:47)
9- Key Points For Best Intraoral Imaging Criteria-11 (1:40)
10- Guidelines For The Prescription Of Radiographs-2 (5:15)
11- Interpretation And Errors Of Radiographs-3 (9:57)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Minor Surgery" - Dr. Mona Ragab
1- Introduction And Scoop-1 (0:52)
2- Phases Of Healing Of Any Wound And Factors Influencing-13 (2:05)
3- Principles Of Oral Surgery And Instruments Used-18 (4:55)
4- Principles Of Forceps Extraction And Surgical Removal Of Teeth-19 (4:40)
5- Suturing-20 (3:02)
6- Extraction Complications-21 (14:23)
7- Removal Of Ectopic -Impacted Teeth(Unerupted)-22 (5:41)
8- Indications For Wisdom Teeth Removal-23 (1:28)
9- Classifications Systems Of Impacted Wisdom-24 (5:09)
10- Coronectomy-2 (1:30)
11- Impacted Maxillary Canines-3 (1:18)
12- Apicectomy-4 (4:46)
13- Biopsy-5 (1:43)
14- Piezosurgery - Laser Surgery - Cryosurgery-7 (1:59)
14'- Implant - Treatment Plan - Timing - Technique --6 (8:07)
15- Implant Success And Failure-8 (1:42)
16- Dentolaveolar Infections-9 (4:36)
17- Other Infections-10 (5:31)
18- Non Tumor Disaeses-Lesions Of The Bone-11 (9:23)
19- Cysts And Classification-12 (1:18)
20- Cysts Diagnosis, Radiography, And Effect On Surrounding Structures-14 (2:19)
21- Most Common Cysts Affecting The Jaws-15 (5:01)
22- Cyst Management-16 (2:07)
23- Hamartomas And Neoplasms-17 (13:51)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Pediatric Dentistry" - Dr. Reham Ragab
1. Introduction (0:57)
2. A Qucik Revision-7 (7:02)
3. Growth Pattern And Eruption Dates--8 (8:19)
4. Deciduous Dentition --9 (4:51)
5.1 Early Mixed Dentition --10 (6:25)
5.2 Late Mixed Dentition Stage--11 (15:28)
6. Restorations In Primary Teeth --12 (2:12)
7.1 Pulpotomy--13 (7:23)
7.2 Pulpectomy-14 (6:47)
8. Vital Pulp Therapy For Young Permanent Teeth --15 (15:33)
9. Space Maintainers--16 (7:20)
10. Child Management--2 (6:10)
11.1 Dento-Alveolar Trauma --3 (1:57)
11.2.1 Trauma Of Permanent Teeth- Injuries To Hard Tooth Structure--4 (6:40)
11.2.2 Injuries To Pdl Tissues-5 (12:08)
11.3 Trauma Of Primary Teeth--6 (2:40)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Oral Medicine" - Dr. Reham Ragab
1. Introduction 1-1 (0:46)
2. Bacterial Infections-3 (4:16)
3. Viral Infections-4 (4:11)
4. Oral Cancer-5 (11:27)
5. Vesiculo-Bullous Lesions--6 (2:17)
6.Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis And Herpes Labials-7 (5:00)
7. Varicella Zoster Virus--8 (3:16)
8.Ramsay Hunt Syndrome And Erythema Multiform-9 (4:44)
9.Pemphigus Vulgaris And Mucous Membrane Pemphegoid-10 (4:48)
10. Diagnosis And Treatment Of Lichen Planus, Lichenoid Reaction And Desquamative Gingivitis-2 (7:24)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Evidence Based" - Dr.Mai Samy
1. Introduction ( Another Lecture )-1 (2:23)
2. Decision Making--2 (2:52)
3. Types Pf Studies--3 (14:40)
4. Types Of Randomized Controlled Trials--4 (5:09)
5. Types Pf Bias--5 (2:06)
6. Systematic Reviews And Meta Analysis--6 (11:12)
7. How To Criticize A Paper--7 (2:39)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Therapeutics" - Dr. Sandra Wagdi
1. Intro - Outline-1 (1:29)
2. Analgesics-2 (11:50)
3.1 Antibiotics-3 (6:51)
3.2 Antibiotic Resistance-4 (6:00)
3.3 Prophylactic Antibiotics-5 (13:27)
3.4 Mechanisms Of Antibiotics-6 (1:57)
3.5 Penicillins-7 (10:51)
3.6 Cephalosporins - Macrolides - Clindamycin - Metronidazole - Vancomycin - Tetracycline-8 (9:25)
3.7 Antibiotic Prescription-9 (2:29)
4. Antifungals-10 (4:36)
5. Antivirals-11 (4:34)
6. Decongestants - Steroids - Antidepressants - Sedatives & Tranquillizers-12 (5:13)
1.1 Blood Thinners - Anti-Platelets-1 (5:59)
1.2 Anti-Coagulants-2 (4:03)
1.3 Management Of Pts On Antiplatlets Or Anticoagulants-3 (14:32)
2. Anti-Resorptive & Antiangiogenic Drugs-4 (13:31)
3. References-5 (0:56)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Radiology" - Dr. Sandra Wagdi
1-Introduction--1 (5:21)
2-Effects Of X-Ray On Body Cells-2 (17:12)
3-1-Radiation Protection--3 (15:18)
3-2-Dose Limitation-4 (10:53)
3-3-Quality Assurance -5 (4:14)
4-Protection Of Staff & Administration Of Radiation Protection-6 (7:28)
5-Radiographic Quality-7 (8:41)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Restorative dentistry" Dr.Mai Samy
1-Introduction & Course Outline--1 (1:34)
2-1-Types Of Tooth Wear Lesions 1-2 (11:21)
2-2-Diagnosis-3 (13:08)
2-3-Management-4 (6:19)
3-1-Caries-5 (7:16)
3-2-Host-6 (14:38)
3-3-Sugar Intake & Time-7 (11:02)
3-4-Classification And Diagnosis Of Caries-8 (12:45)
4-1-Risk Assessment And Management-9 (14:20)
4-2-Do & Recall-10 (9:27)
4-3-Minimally Invasive Dentistry-11 (5:46)
5-1-Types Of Restorative Materials-12 (11:45)
5-2-Composite Resin-13 (16:24)
5-3-Problems With Composite Resins-14 (6:49)
5-4-Enamel And Dentine Bonding-15 (8:33)
5-5-Glass Ionomers-16 (5:34)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Diagnosis & Treatment Planning" - Dr.Mai Samy
1. Introduction And Outlines-1 (3:10)
2. Patient History (Chief Complaint )-3 (10:57)
3. Dental History-4 (4:02)
4. Medical History--5 (2:35)
5. Social And Family History--6 (3:18)
6. Extra And Intra Oral Examinations--7 (3:54)
7. Special Test And Investigations--8 (3:15)
8. Important Notes On Treatment Planning-9 (7:29)
9. Phases Of Treatment Planning-10 (3:05)
10. Factors Influencing Treatment Planning--2 (5:09)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Periodontics" Dr.Mai Samy
1. Introduction--1 (1:53)
2. Macro And Micro Anatomy Of The Gingiva--3 (9:24)
3. Diagnosis Of The Periodontal Diseases-4 (16:31)
4. New Classification Of Perio Dx-5 (13:34)
5. Implementation Of New Classification-6 (8:14)
6. Necrotizing Periodontitis And Gingivitis--7 (3:32)
7. Antibiotic Role In Periodontics--8 (2:31)
8. Endo Perio Lesion And Gingival Recession-9 (3:35)
9. Types Of Grafts--10 (4:52)
10. Non Surgical Management--2 (5:41)
MJDF Preparatory Course "General Medicine" - Dr. Sandra Wagdi
1.Introduction--1 (2:00)
2. Anaemia--4 (13:00)
3. Heamatological Malignancy-5 (10:57)
4. Bleeding Disorder--6 (8:33)
5. Haemophilia Aand B-7 (6:07)
6. Von Willebrand's Disease--8 (4:32)
7. Cardiovascular Diseases-9 (9:08)
8. Respiratory Disease--10 (9:18)
9. Gastrointestinal Disease-11 (6:43)
10. Git Diseases 2--2 (9:06)
11. Hepatic Disease-3 (10:11)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Medical Emergency" - Dr. Mahmoud Eladawy
1. Introduction-1 (0:51)
2. History And Risk Assessment-5 (11:31)
3. Drsabcde Approach-6 (23:52)
4.How To Be Prepared To Handle Emergency-7 (9:56)
5.1 Airway Emergency - Acute Asthmatic Attack - Choking Or Aspiration --8 (25:21)
5.2 Airway Emergency - Anaphylaxis --9 (11:39)
6. Ischemic Heart Disease-10 (12:36)
7. Vasovagal Episodes-11 (4:37)
8. Epilepsy-12 (11:59)
9. Hypogylcaemic Attack-13 (8:23)
10. Addison Disease-2 (6:05)
11. Needle Stick Emergnecy-3 (5:38)
12. What To Do If The Patient Is Not Responding To Emergency Treatment---4 (11:47)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Maxillo-Facial Surgery" Dr. Mahmoud Eladawy
1. Introduction--1 (1:13)
2-1. Radiographic Examination--2 (12:50)
2-2. Bone Fracture (Mabdible Fracture )-3 (8:26)
2-3. Management Of Bone Fracture-4 (5:14)
2-4. Zygomatic Fracture--5 (7:56)
2-5. Maxillary Fracture And Soft Tissue Trauma--6 (5:57)
3. Odontogenic Tumors Of The Jaw--9 (4:00)
3-1. Cysts--7 (3:32)
3-2. Types Of Cysts--8 (17:43)
4-1. Tmj Disorders (Myofacial Pain Dysfunction Syndrome)-10 (5:57)
4-2. Disk Displacement--11 (8:58)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Medical Emergency" - Dr. Mahmoud Eladawy
1. Introduction-1 (0:51)
2. History And Risk Assessment-5 (11:31)
3. Drsabcde Approach-6 (23:52)
4.How To Be Prepared To Handle Emergency-7 (9:56)
5.1 Airway Emergency - Acute Asthmatic Attack - Choking Or Aspiration --8 (25:21)
5.2 Airway Emergency - Anaphylaxis --9 (11:39)
6. Ischemic Heart Disease-10 (12:36)
7. Vasovagal Episodes-11 (4:37)
8. Epilepsy-12 (11:59)
9. Hypogylcaemic Attack-13 (8:23)
10. Addison Disease-2 (6:05)
11. Needle Stick Emergnecy-3 (5:38)
12. What To Do If The Patient Is Not Responding To Emergency Treatment---4 (11:47)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Minor Surgery" - Dr. Mahmoud Eladawy
1. Introduction (0:39)
2. Sutures ( Types And Methods )-3 (8:35)
3. Flap Design--4 (9:32)
4. Overview On Complications Of Tooth Extraction--5 (2:40)
5. Wisdom Tooth--6 (6:27)
6. Guidelines Helps During Wisdom Tooth Extraction--7 (6:06)
7. Sinus Anatomy--8 (4:13)
8. Tuberosity-9 (4:33)
9. Coronoctomy And Cryosurgery--10 (4:00)
10. Infections-2 (12:32)
New Lecture
New Lecture
MJDF Preparatory Course "Medical Emergency" - Dr. Menna Allah Reda
1-Introduction & Course Outine-1 (1:59)
2-Prevention-4 (2:36)
3-Preparation Of Dental Team-5 (5:53)
4-Stress And Anxiety-6 (4:04)
5-Fainting (Vasovagal Attack)-7 (7:55)
6-Anaphylactic Shock-8 (7:38)
7-Cardiovascular System Emergencies-9 (10:16)
8-C.N.S Emergency ( Epilepsy)-10 (4:52)
9-Respiratory Emergencies-11 (8:37)
10-Endocrine Emergencies-2 (8:51)
11-Emergency Armamentarium & Drugs Kit-3 (2:40)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Orthodontics" - Dr. Menna Allah Reda
1. Introduction--1 (1:36)
2. Craniofacial Growth--8 (7:36)
3. Etiology Of Malocclusion--9 (4:49)
4. Classifications Of Malocclusion--10 (8:24)
5. Orthodontic History--11 (3:33)
6. Clinical Examination--12 (13:42)
7. Clinical Examination 2--13 (15:10)
8. Orthodontic Radiographs-14 (2:49)
9. Cephalometric Analysis-15 (8:41)
9. Cephalometric Interpretations-16 (11:29)
10. Space Analysis--2 (3:47)
11. Methods Of Creating Space--3 (14:18)
12. Management Of The Developing Dentition--4 (6:43)
13. Mixed Dentition Problems--5 (10:47)
14. Index Of Orthodontic Treatment Need--6 (6:06)
15. Treatment Planning--7 (12:40)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)" - Dr. Menna Allah Reda
1. Intro - Outline-1 (0:52)
2. Anatomy-2 (3:16)
3. Examination-3 (10:05)
4.1 Temporomandibular Disorders - Myofascial Pain Disorders-4 (7:59)
4.2 Anterior Disc Displacement With Reduction-5 (8:41)
4.3 Anterior Disc Displacement Without Reduction-6 (4:12)
4.4 Disc Dislocation-7 (3:54)
4.5 Ankylosis-8 (1:22)
4.6 Degenerative Joint Disease--9 (1:20)
5.1 Occlusal Splints - - Auto Repositioning Splint-10 (3:06)
5.2 Anterior Repositioning Splint-11 (2:45)
5.3 Localized Occlusal Interference Splint-12 (2:27)
5.4 Stabilization Splint-13 (2:40)
6. Summary-14 (1:14)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Orthodontics" - Dr. Reham Ragab
1. Intro - Outline--1 (0:55)
2. Basic Definitions - What To Refer And When--2 (5:52)
3.1 Index Of Orthodontic Treatment Need (Iotn) - Dental Health Component-3 (3:20)
3.2 The 5- Grade Scale-4 (11:10)
3.3 MOCDO Scale-5 (2:19)
3.4 Aesthetic Component (Ac)-6 (3:01)
4.1 Cephalometric Analysis - Points-7 (6:39)
4.2 Cephalometric Analysis - Planes And Angles-8 (9:16)
5. Spacing Vs. Crowding-9 (6:47)
6. Tooth Movement-10 (3:20)
7.1 Removable Orthodontic Appliances-11 (6:52)
7.2 Functional Appliances-12 (3:17)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Practice Management" - Dr. Reham Ragab
1. Introduction-1 (0:59)
2. NHS Dental Charges--2 (8:00)
3. Riddor And Safety Measures-3 (9:20)
4. Employment--4 (9:20)
5. Quality Assurance-5 (5:44)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Removable Prothodontics" - Dr. Reham Ragab
1. Introduction And Outline-1 (0:55)
2. Occlusion--6 (4:07)
3. Muscles And Stress Bearing Areas Of Upper Complete Denture-7 (2:51)
4. Muscles And Stress Bearingn Areas Of The Lower Complete Dentur E-8 (3:32)
5. Diagnosis And Treatment Planning-9 (2:34)
6. Impression Techniques And Common Errors-10 (11:11)
7. Jaw Relation--11 (12:37)
8. Denture Rebasing And Relining--12 (3:49)
9. Copy Denture--13 (3:45)
10. Overdenture--2 (3:54)
11. Immediate Denture--3 (2:57)
12. Removable Partial Denture --4 (6:00)
13. Impression Taking For RPD-5 (11:32)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Practice Management" - Dr. Reham Ragab
1. Introduction-1 (0:59)
2. NHS Dental Charges--2 (8:00)
3. RIDDOR And Safety Measures-3 (9:20)
4. Employment--4 (9:20)
5. Quality Assurance-5 (5:44)
New Lecture
MJDF Preparatory Course "Restorative Dentistry" - Dr. Reham Ragab
1. Intro - Outline--1 (0:40)
2.1 Non Carious Tooth Surface Loss- Classification - Assessment - Patient Complaints--2 (6:42)
2.2 Non Carious Tooth Surface Loss- Management--3 (5:07)
3.1 Intracoronal Restorations-4 (6:17)
3.2 Cementation & Bonding-5 (1:30)
3.3 Extracoronal Restorations-6 (6:23)
3.4 Endodontic Materials-7 (4:25)
4. Developmental Anomalies-8 (9:59)
5. Discoloration--9 (5:00)
6. Root Resorption--10 (1:38)
1. Intro - Outline (0:40)
2. Restoration Of Endodontically Treated Tooth--2 (7:06)
3. Post And Core-3 (7:01)
4. Direct Vs. Indirect Restorations-4 (1:28)
5. Replacement Of Tooth Loss - Types Of Bridges-5 (9:31)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Revision" - Dr. Reham Ragab
1. Intro - Outline-1 (0:37)
1.1 Revision 1 Prevention – Pedo – Ortho- Part 1-2 (17:04)
1.2 Revision 1 Prevention – Pedo – Ortho- Part 2-3 (13:47)
2. Intro - Outline-1 (0:37)
2.1 Revision 2 Periodontology – Oral Medicine 1 & 2- Part 1-2 (13:09)
2.2 Revision 2 Periodontology – Oral Medicine 1 & 2- Part 2-3 (11:44)
3. Intro - Outline-1 (0:35)
3.1 Revision 3 Restorative 1&2 – Prosthesis – Ethics & Practice Management- Part 1-2 (16:29)
3.2 Revision 3 Restorative 1&2 – Prosthesis – Ethics & Practice Management- Part 2-3 (17:42)
4. Intro - Outline-1 (0:28)
Revision 4.1 - Overall Questions- Part 1-2 (14:16)
Revision 4.2 - Overall Questions- Part 2-3 (9:41)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Periodontology"- Dr. Reham Ragab
1. introduction (0:36)
2. classification of PDL diseases (9:39)
3. Basic peridontal examination- (13:44)
4. Microbiology of peridontal diseases- (5:23)
5. patient complaint (4:50)
6. Gingival hyperplasia- (4:06)
7. aggressive and chronic periodontitis (3:43)
8. peridontal abscess and halitosis- (5:55)
9. Gingival recession (4:24)
10. treatment of peridontal diseases- (16:29)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Dental Emergency" Dr. Mahmoud Eladawy
1-Introduction (1:02)
2-Emergency care (4:35)
3-Bleeding- (11:30)
4-Soft tissue injury- (6:25)
5-Other dental urgencies (Part 1) (10:51)
6-Other dental urgencies (part 2) (6:35)
7-Avoiding emergency and complications (5:34)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Applied Anatomy" Dr. Mahmoud Eladawy
1- Introduction (1:58)
2- Muscles of Mastication (17:43)
3-1. Salivary Glands - Parotid Gland (6:54)
3-2. Salivary Glands - Submandibular salivary gland (5:30)
3-3. Salivary Glands - Sublingual gland (2:37)
4- Cranial Nerves (8:51)
5- Different conditions and disorders regarding Cranial nerves -1- (26:05)
6- Nerve Damage (3:29)
MJDF Preparatory Course "General Medicine" Dr. Mahmoud Eladawy
1. Intro - Outline (0:34)
2. The ASA classification- (6:14)
3.1 Blood components- (11:48)
3.2 Dental significance of anemia- (2:19)
3.3 types of anemia 1 (14:35)
3.4 types of anemia 2 (19:06)
3.5 Platelet Disorders (12:29)
3.6 Leukocytes (5:50)
3.7 Hematological Malignancies (5:18)
4. cardiovascular system- (20:32)
4.1 Ischemic heart diseases (9:05)
4.2 Cardiac Failure (7:38)
4.3 Arrhythmias - Infective endocarditis (5:52)
5.1 Gasrtrointestinal System part 1- (12:01)
5.2 Gasrtrointestinal System part 2 (9:23)
6.1 Respiratory diseases part 1- (11:15)
6.2 Respiratory diseases part 2 (10:10)
7.1 Endocrine problems- (9:15)
7.2 Thyroid and parathyroid disease (11:11)
7.3 Cushing disease - ADDISON DISEASE- GIGANTISM-Acromegaly (7:00)
8.1 Liver Diseases (13:28)
8.2 Jaundice - Hepatic Oedema (5:20)
9.1 Neurological disorders (6:59)
9.2 Myasthenia Gravis (5:09)
9.3 Renal diseases (6:54)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Prosthodontics" Part 1-Fixed Prosthodontics Dr. Mai Samy
Intoduction- (0:39)
1. Components of a Bridge and Types of Bridges (5:22)
2. Types of Retainers and Selection of Abutment Teeth (4:29)
3. Types of Pontics (2:47)
4. Specific Bridge Design Problems (4:42)
5. Bridge Failures- (2:05)
6. Resin Bonded Bridge (5:54)
7. Guidelines for Preparaton- (2:05)
8. Different Crown Preparation and Refrences (10:20)
MJDF Preparatory Course "Prosthodontics" Part 2-Removable Prosthodontics Dr. Mai Samy
1. Indications and Classification (KENNEDY's classification, KENNEDY-APPLEGATE, APPLEGATE 'S Rules and CRADDOCK's Classification) (7:39)
2. Components of Removable Partial Denture 2-1. Major Connectors (13:31)
2-2. Minor Connectors (2:27)
2-3. Rests and Rest Seats (5:12)
2-4. Direct Retainers- (8:37)
2-5. Indirect Retainer (8:47)
3. Design Princples 3-1. surveying (13:21)
3-2. Design Requirments and Princples- (4:36)
4. What's New (3:41)
5. Special Situations 5-1. Class I Kennedy- (6:18)
5-2. Combination Syndrome (KELLY's Syndrome)- (3:27)
5-3. Unilateral Removable Partial Denture- (3:51)
6. Shortened Dental Arch- (2:46)
7. Summary (0:51)
MJDF Prepratory Course "Prosthodontics"-Part 3 Complete Denture-Dr. Mai Sami
1. Intoduction-_1 (1:19)
2. Indications and options for Replacement of the teeth- (9:09)
3. complete Denture Prosthodontics (13:59)
4. Features of Complete Denture- (10:30)
5. Impression techniques- (19:39)
6. steps of complete denture construction (10:28)
7. Jaw Relationship records- (10:56)
8. Facebows and Articulators (8:58)
9. Teeth setup and denture try-in- (12:35)
10. Delivery (3:24)
11. Copy Denture and immediate denture- (9:06)
12. Overdenture- (4:51)
3. Examination-3
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