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Management of Broken files Program
Management of Intracanal Separated Instruments - Dr.Mohamed Za`frany
Introduction (2:40)
Lec 1_Why Instrument Separation Happens
Lec 2_Mangement Of intra canal Broken file
Lec 3_Techniques of separated file removal (21:26)
Lec 4_Clinical Cases
Hand Out
Management of Separated Instruments Dr.Hend Hamdy
1-Introduction & Course outline (1:22)
2-Factors affecting breakage of the instrument ( 2-1 Overview )
2-2-Access cavity-
2-3-Root canal anatomy (3:39)
2-4-Instrument related factor
2-5-Motor operating parameters (6:50)
2-6-Sterilization and disinfection-
3-Management of Broken files
4-Factors affecting Retrieval (1:44)
4-1-Tooth related factors
4-2-Instrument related factors- (4:57)
4-3-Type and length of broken instrument & other factors (2:43)
5. Clinical management of broken files
6. Non surgical management bypass vs retrieval (12:02)
7-2-Instrument removal systems
7-1-Steps of File retrieval (7:33)
7-3-Complications of file retrieval and their prevention (6:31)
7-4-Demo on retreval fractured file-
8.1 Introduction (0:44)
8.2 Causes affecting ledge formation (9:24)
8.3 Management of ledge
8.4 Challenges of obturation past ledge (1:36)
8.5 Advices to avoid ledge formation (6:22)
Bypass and Broken Instrument Retreival Dr.Hytham Abd Elaziz
1. Intro-Outline (1:49)
2. overview on endodontic instrument separation
3. causes of file separation (operator and Equipment related ) (8:31)
4. causes of file separation (Equipment related )
5. causes of file separation ( anatomy related )
6. Management of file separation Retrieval vs bypass- the never ending dilemma- (7:48)
7.1 Decision making happening according to (file related factors )
7.2 Decision making happening according to (tooth related factors) (7:54)
7.3 Decision making happening according to ( Dentist set up related factors)
8. Case Based protocol
9. Recipe for success with bypass (5:24)
10. Recipe for success with file retrieval
11.1 Case 1 (5:28)
11.2 Case 2
11.3 Case 3
11.4 Case 4 (6:31)
11.5 Case 5 (5:35)
11.6 Case 6 (2:14)
11.7 Case 7 (6:24)
11.8 Case 8 (1:42)
11.9 Case 9 (13:09)
2-Factors affecting breakage of the instrument ( 2-1 Overview )
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