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Advanced Endodontics Program Version 1 ( 30 credit hours )
Endodontic Retreatment - Prof.Ahmed Abdelrahman Hashem
Introduction (7:41)
Lec 1_Causes & predisposing factors of Post-treatment Endodontic disease
Lec 2_Treatment strategies of endodontic post-treatment disease (11:11)
Lec 3_Coronal disassembly & post removal
Lec 4_Removal of root canal fillings
Endodontic Retreatment - Dr.Mostafa El Kholy
1. Intro-Outline (0:48)
2. Etiology-
3. Microbiology- (0:36)
4. Diagnosis
5. Treatment Planning (3:51)
5.1 Removal of Obturating Materials
5.2 Reshaping of the root canal (1:46)
6. Cases
7. Summary (0:41)
Understanding Endodontic Retreatment - Prof.Dr.Nehal Nabil
1.Introduction (0:38)
2.Failure of root canal treatment
3.Causes of failure (18:55)
4.Causes of failure 2
5.Obturation (2:03)
6.Causes of post treatment failure-
7. Presisitent infection (4:54)
8.Indications for retreatment
9.Conventional retreatment (4:15)
10.Post removal
11.Missed canals (9:06)
12.Gutta-precha removal (11:19)
Management of Intracanal Separated Instruments - Dr.Mohamed Za`frany
Introduction (2:40)
Lec 1_Why Instrument Separation Happens
Lec 2_Mangement Of intra canal Broken file (24:03)
Lec 3_Techniques of separated file removal
Lec 4_Clinical Cases
Hand Out
Management of Separated Instruments Dr.Hend Hamdy
1-Introduction & Course outline
2-Factors affecting breakage of the instrument ( 2-1 Overview ) (2:05)
2-2-Access cavity-
2-3-Root canal anatomy (3:39)
2-4-Instrument related factor
2-5-Motor operating parameters (6:50)
2-6-Sterilization and disinfection- (6:58)
3-Management of Broken files
4-Factors affecting Retrieval (1:44)
4-1-Factors affecting Retrieval (Tooth related factors) (1:37)
4-2-Factors affecting Retrieval (Instrument related factors)
4-3-Factors affecting Retrieval (Type and length of broken instrument & other factors) (2:43)
5. Clinical management of broken files
6. Non surgical management bypass vs retrieval (12:02)
7-1-File Retrieval (Steps of File Retrieval)
7-2-File Retrieval (Instrument removal systems) (13:00)
7-3-File Retrieval (Complications of file retrieval and their prevention) (6:31)
7-4-File Retrieval (Demo on retrieval fractured file) (7:16)
8.1-Ledge Management (Introduction)
8.2-Ledge Management (Causes affecting ledge formation) (9:24)
8.3-Ledge Management (Management of ledge) (5:15)
8.4-Ledge Management (Challenges of obturation past ledge) (1:36)
8.5 -Ledge Management (Advice to avoid ledge formation) (6:22)
Management of Calcification & Extra Canals-Dr.Ahmed Ezz
1.Introduction (1:16)
2.overview on classification of the root canals-
3.1 Challenges in upper anteriors (Challenges in Upper Central Incisors) (16:51)
3-2 Challenges in upper anteriors (Extra Canals in Upper Central) (6:22)
3.3 Challenges in upper anteriors (Challenges in Upper Lateral)
3.4 Challenges in upper anteriors (Challenges of Upper Canine) (11:02)
4. pulp morphology of lower anteriors
5.1 Challenges of Upper Premolars (Upper 4) (6:59)
5.2 Challenges of Upper Premolars (Upper 5) (12:24)
6.1- Challenges of Lower Premolars (How to Know)
6-2-Challenges of Lower Premolars (How to Prepare) (4:57)
6.3 -Challenges of Lower Premolars (How to Obturate)
7. pulp morphology of upper 6 (21:42)
8. some cases that failed due to missed MB2
9. pulp morphology of upper 7 (5:02)
10. pulp morphology of lower 6
11. pulp morphology of lower 7 (8:08)
12. Tips during preparation (4:49)
Minimal Invasive Endodontics (Advanced Access Cavity Designs ) - Dr. Hytham Abd Elaziz
Introduction (1:21)
Lec 1_Rules & Misconceptions Of Traditional Access Cavity Design
Lec 2_Custom Access Cavity Design In Clinical Cases
Lec 3_Traditional Vs Conservative Contracted Access Cavity Design
Lec 4_Contracted Endodontic Cavity Designs (14:36)
Lec 5_Factors Affecting Our Choice Of Access Cavity Design In Each Situation
Lec 6_Clinical Cases (10:51)
Lec 7_Anatomy, The Whole Story
Regenerative Endodontics - Dr.Ahmed Shawky
Intro (Curriculum , Objectives & Alternatives) (1:02)
1_Challenge In Dealing With Immature Teeth & Case Selection (4:59)
2_How To Prepare Fully Revascularization By Canal Disinfection Protocol (13:09)
3_Application Of Scaffold (9:53)
4_How To Monitor Clinical & Radiographic Outcomes (8:02)
Endo Surgery - Prof. Mohamed Mahmoud
Lec 0_Introduction (5:08)
Lec 1_Micro Surgery Armamentarium,Indications & Contraindications (7:37)
Lec 2_Surgical Technique 1- (Hemostasis) (7:06)
Lec 3_Surgical Technique 2- (Flap Types,Design & Incision) (11:34)
Lec 4_Surgical Technique 3-(Hard Tissue Management) (9:26)
Lec 5_Root End Preparation (6:55)
Lec 6_Retrograde Filling Materials (6:51)
Lec 7_Flap Closure , Wound Healing , Mental Nerve Management (8:41)
Lec 8_Clinical Cases (15:07)
Ledge Correction - Prof.Dr.Nehal Nabil
1. introduction (0:31)
2.Etiology of the Ledge
3.Management of Ledge (6:55)
4-How to avoid ledge formation
5.Ledge bypass (9:37)
6. prognosis for ledge cases
Management of Ledge Formation Dr.Hytham Abd Elaziz
2-Causes and Presentation Of Canal Patency Loss
3-Root Canal Ledge Formation (12:31)
3.1 Improper Scouting (13:53)
3.2. Calcified Canals and canal enviorment
4- Consequences of Ledging (2:46)
4.1 Consequences of Ledging (Case) (4:48)
4.2 Consequences of Ledging (Ledge Bypass Protocol)
5.1 Case 1 (4:51)
5.2. Case 2
5.3. Case 3- (4:52)
5.4. Case 4-
5.5 Case 5- (1:48)
6. Conclusion Message- (2:04)
7. Summary (0:49)
Bioceramics, Perforation Management and MTA Application Dr.Mohamed Hamed
1-Introduction (0:40)
2-Overview on failure
3-MTA - Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (5:40)
4-What is Bioceramics, with classification
5-Biodentine Composition (2:21)
6-Uses of Bioceramics
7-MTA as root canal filling material (10:15)
8-MTA in vital and non-vital pulp therapy
9-MTA as a Retro grade cavity filling (9:19)
10-Perforation problem and positions
11-Treatment options and factors affecting in perforation cases (5:08)
12-Treatment sequence in perforation cases (12:37)
Management of Open Apex Dr. Ahmed Ezz
1. Basics Causes (2:34)
2. Diagnosis (Diagnosis of Anterior)
2.1 Diagnosis ( If VITAL) (15:35)
2.2 Diagnosis (If necrotic) (1:05)
3. Apexification
3-1 Apexification (Application of MTA) (10:48)
3.2 Apexification (Can we face open apex in mature patients) (9:45)
3.3 Apexification (What If I made Mistakes During MTA application)
4. Revascularization (5:21)
4.1-Revascularization (Procedure of Vascularization)
4.2 -Revascularization (Clinical Cases of Vascularization) (11:14)
Endodontic Perforation Repair & MTA Application - Prof.Dr.Ahmed Farghaly
1. introduction- (1:44)
2. perforation (Definition and Etiology)
3. How to repair perforation- (4:52)
4. How to make a Decision
5. clinical cases- (5:36)
6. surgical Vs Non surgical
Cone Beam CT in Endodontics Prof.Dr.Ahmed Ghobashy
0.Course Introduction (1:07)
1. The 2D imaging V.S Virtual reality (9:34)
2.The Virtual reality in endodontics - CBCT
3.CBCT advantages (4:39)
4. First modality of CBCT in endodontics - 3D Imaging
4-1 Uses of 3D Imaging 1 (5:20)
4-2 Uses of 3D Imaging 2 (7:33)
5-2nd modality of CBCT in endodontics - 3D Reconstruction
6-3rd modality of CBCT in endodontics - 3D Printing (5:50)
7-Take home message for all 3D modalities
Minimally Invasive Endodontics - Prof.Dr. Mohsen Nour El Deen
1. Intro- (0:26)
2. Def and Traditional Endo Cavities
3. Key Objectives of Endodontic Access Cavity (3:28)
4. Aids, Armamentarium amd Guidelines for conservative access cavity preparation
5. Access preparation in anterior teeth (4:25)
6.1 Access preparation in posterior teeth
6.2 Posterior teeth (Orifice Directed Access) (1:20)
6.3 Posterior teeth (Stepped Access Cavity)
6.4 Posterior teeth (Caries Directed Access) (2:00)
6.5 Posterior teeth (Truss Access Cavity)
7. Shaping the root canal space (4:13)
8. Advantages and Disadvantages of conservative access cavity-
9. Conclusion (1:00)
10. Case Presentation
11. Summary (2:27)
The Pink Tooth - Dr. Mohamed Hamed
1-The Pink Tooth (5:47)
2-How it Happens-
3- How to Diagnose-
4-How to Manage-
Endodontic Failure (The Clinical Perspective)-Dr. Mohammad Saeid
1. Intro - Outline
2. Causes of faliure of Endodontically treated teeth-
3.1.1 Biological Failure - How to avoid missing canals part 1- (8:39)
3.1.2 How to avoid missing canals part 2
3.1.3 How to avoid missing canals part 3 (8:20)
3.2 Incomplete shaping and cleaning (5:35)
3.3 Coronal leakage
4.1 Mechanical Failure - 1. Unnecessary large Access Cavity (5:33)
4.2 Truss access cavity - Caries driven access cavity
4.3 Large files taper - Over drilling during post Placement - Delayed Cuspal coverage - Coronal leakage (3:17)
5. Summary (1:34)
2-4-Instrument related factor
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