Ceramic Restorations Program
Course Curriculum
Comprehensive Guide for Ceramic Restorations - Dr.Tawfik Ramadan
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StartLec 0_Intro & Curriculum
StartLec 1_All Ceramic Restoration VS Metal Restoration + Guide_Lines Of Tooth Preparation (32:40)
StartLec 2_Criteria Of Anterior Teeth Preparation
StartLec 3_Putty Index Guided Tooth Preparation (11:36)
StartLec 4_Wax Up & Motivational Mock Up (16:13)
Startlec 5_Posterior Tooth Preparation
Startlec 6_Reverse Preparation Technique (6:08)
Startlec 7_Mock Up Guided Tooth Preparation
Startlec 8_Dental Ceramics Types " Glass Ceramics " (26:09)
Startlec 9_Dental Ceramics " Poly_Crystaline Ceramics" Zirconia (12:23)
Startlec 10_Dental Ceramics " Hybrid Ceramics (9:45)
Startlec 11_Shade Selection
Startlec 12_Tooth Preparation Tips For " Inlay & Onlay " (47:23)
StartLive Demo_Porcelain Jacket Crown Preparation (15:00)
StartLive Demo_Monolithic Zirconia Preparation
StartLive Demo_Posterior Inlay - Onlay - Overlay Prep
Dr. Hanaa Nassar - All Ceramics (Lecture + Live Demo)
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Start2-Outline (0:44)
Start3-Classification of all ceramic restorations (4:15)
Start4-Glass-Matrix ceramics (3:59)
Start5-Ceramic reinforced composites
Start6-Polycrystalline Solids (1:50)
Start7-Processing techniques (3:38)
Start8-Ceramic restorations classifcations (4:24)
Start9-Partial coverage restorations - Inlays
Start10-Inlay or Onlay
Start11-Partial coverage restorations - Onlays (7:24)
Start12-Occlusal Veneers Tabletops (6:46)
Start13-Laminate veneers and thin veneers (2:52)
Start14-Overview on full coverage restorations (0:46)
Start15-Preparation guidelines for ceramic full coverage (5:15)
Start16-Posterior teeth preparation
Start17-Finish line configurations (6:26)
Start18-Finishing f the preparation (1:20)
Start19-Ceramic materials for full coverage restorations (6:37)
Start20-Patients with parafunctional habits
Start21-Final impression (9:04)
Start22-One & Two step double-mix impression technique (8:11)
Start23-Digital Impression
Start24-Overview on bonding protocols (3:06)
Start25-Bonding of ceramic reinforced composites (7:34)
Start26-Bonding of LiS2
Start27-Bonding of zirconia restorations (3:12)
Start28-Bonding of ceramic partial coverage (4:42)
Start29-Bonding protocols for ceramic full coverage (9:53)
Start1- Partial coverage restorations (Live Demo) (2:54)
Start2- 1st step Flaring for axial walls and floor (Live Demo)
Start3- 2nd step Gingival seat preparation (Live Demo) (5:16)
Start4- End point of the preparation (Live Demo) (1:02)
Start5- Onlay preparation (Live Demo) (3:47)
Start6- Overlay preparation (Live Demo) (6:06)
All Ceramic Restorations ( Why,When & How) - Dr.Mostafa Nour
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StartLec 0_Introduction (1:54)
StartLec 1_Definitions & History of All Ceramic (15:05)
StartLec 2_Properties of dental porcelain & Crack Behavior
StartLec 3_Different ceramic materials ( when and why)
StartLec 4_Ceramic Materials Without Zirconia Content (16:58)
Startlec 5_Preparation guidelines(inlay-onlay-overlay- vonlay-full coverage)
StartLec 6_Fabrication Methods
StartLec 7_Adhesion to Ceramics