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Basic, Advanced & Clinical Endodontics referenced by Cohen Pathway of the Pulp - 11th Edition
Basic Endodontics
1-1-1 Intro and outlines
1-1-2. Chief complaint – Medical History –Dental History-
1-1-3. Clinical Examination
1-1-4. Pulp Tests
1-1-5 Radiographic Examination And Clinical Classification of pulpal Diseases
1-2-1 Radiographic Interpretation , Imaging Modalities, Image Characteristics-
1-2-2 Diagnostic Tasks
1-2-3 Principles of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (Voxels and Field of View) -
1-2-4 Imaging Tasks, Improved- Simplified by CBCT 4-1. Deferential Diagnosis-
1-2-5 Diagnosis of Endodontic Failures
1-3-1.Intro and Outline
1-3-2 Common Medical Finding That May Influence Endodontic Treatment Planning
1-3-3 Development Of The Endodontic Treatment Plan
1-4-1 .Introduction
1-4-2 .Local Anesthesia for restorative dentistry and endodontics
1-4-3 .Local Anesthetic Techniques
1-4-4 .Management of Anesthesia in endodontic cases_1
1-4-5 .Analgesics and Therapeutics
1-4-6 Pain management strategy
1-5-1 Intro and Outline
1-5-2 .Components of Root Canal System and Anatomy-
1-5-3 .Objectives and Guidelines For Access Cavity Preparation-
1-5-4 Mechanical Phases of Access Cavity Preparation - Challenging Access Cavity Preparation
1-5-5 .Access Cavity and Morphology of Individual-
1-6-1 Cleaning And Shaping Aim And Objects
1-6-2 Endodontic instruments (Manually operated and engine driven)
1-6-3 Manually Operated Instruments
1-6-4 Engine-Driven Instruments
1-6-5 Steps Of Cleaning And Shaping
1-6-6 Endodontic Instruments, Devices, and Steps of Cleaning and Shaping-
1-6-7 Different Techniques of Root Canal Shaping
1-6-8 Functions of Irrigation and Irrigation Delivery
1-6-9 Different Irrigation Solutions
1-6-10 intracanal medication
1-6-11. Disinfection Devices and Techniques of Irrigation Delivery
1-6-12 Criteria to Evaluate Cleaning and Shaping - Mishaps
1-7-1 .Intro and Outline-
1-7-2 Importance, Timing, and Length of Obturation
1-7-3 Materials Used for Obturation
1-7-4 .Armamentarium for Obturation and Obturation Techniques Part 1
1-7-5 .Obturation Techniques Part 2-
Advanced Endodontics
2-1-1 .Intro and outlines
2-1-2 Etiology Of Posttreatment Disease
2-1-3 .Diagnosis Of Post treatment Disease
2-1-4 Treatment Planning
2-1-5 - Post Removal
2-1-6 - Removal Of Silver Points
2-1-7 -Management Of Separated Instruments
2-1-8 -Management Of Canal Impediments
2-1-9 -Repair Of PERFORATIONS
2-1-10 -Prognosis Of Retreatment
2-2-1 Intro and Outline
2-2-2 .Indications For Surgical Approach in Endodontics - Soft and Hard Tissue Wound Healing-
2-2-3 Surgical Approach-
2-2-4 .Instruments of Microsurgery and Local Anesthesia-
2-2-5 .Surgical Access
2-2-6 .Management of Root End Resection , Preparation, and Filling-
2-3 .Regenerative Endodontics
2-4-1 Intro and Outlines
2-4-2 Surrogate Measure - Purpose of Evaluating Outcomes
2-4-3 .Outcome Measures For Different Endodontic Procedure
2-4-4 Outcomes Of Endodontic Procedure
2-4-5 Outcomes for Non-Surgical Endodontic Treatment
2-4-6 .Outcomes Of Non-Surgical and Surgical Retreatment
2-5-1 Morphologic Zones of the Pulp
2-5-2 Cells of the Pulp
2-5-3 Metabolism, The Pulpal Interstitium And Ground Substance
2-5-4 Connective Tissue Fibers of the Pulp, and The Trigeminal System
2-5-5 Vascular Supply
2-5-6 Pulpal Repair, Pulpal Calcifications, and Age Changes
2-6-1 Pulpal Reactions to Caries and Dental Procedures-
2-6-2 . Pulpal Reactions to Caries and Dental Procedures-
2-7-1 .Intro and Outline
2-7-2 Microbiology Of Endodontic Infection-
2-7-3. Microbiology Of Endodontic Infection-
2-8-1 .Intro and Outlines
2-8-2 Apical Periodontitis-
2-8-3 Type of diseases related to apical periodontitis
2-8-4 .Apical Periodontitis And systemic Diseases - Wound Healing And Factors Influencing Preapical Wound Healing
2-9-1.Intro and Outlines
2-9-2 .Histological Feature
2-9-3 External cervical root resorption
2-9-4-Internal root resorption-external root resorption
2-10-1 Review of Neuroanatomy- Somatic Structures, Neural Structures
2-10-2 Autonomic Nervous System and Review of Neurophysiology- Peripheral Sensitization, Central Sensitization
2-10-3 Sources of Nonodontogenic Toothache-
2-10-4 Sources of Nonodontogenic Toothache-
2-10-5 Taking a Patient’s History, Patient Examination-
2-11-1 .Intro and outlines
2-11-2 Management of Endodontic Emergency part 1
2-11-3 Management of Endodontic Emergency part 2
2-11-4 Management of Endodontic Emergency part 3
2-12-1 Introduction And Outline-
2-12-2 Sodium Hypochlorite, instrument separation and Ledges Perforations and-
2-12-3 . Radicular Extrusion of Root Cnal Filling Material And Inferior alveolar Nerve Injury-
Clinical Topics
3-1-1. Dental trauma, it's types, follow up and radiographic examination
3-1-2. Crown fracture
3-1-3. Crown root fracture and Root fracture
3-1-4. Luxation injures
3-1-5. Avulsion
3-2-1 Cracks and Fractures part 1
3-2-2 .Cracks and Fractures Part 2
3-3-1 .Intro and Outline
3-3-2 -Compositional Changes in Nonvital Teeth and Influence of Endodontic Therapy-_1
3-3-3 - Restorative Materials and Options (Direct Restorations)
3-3-4- Restorative Materials and Options (Indirect Restorations)
3-3-5 -.Pretreatment Evaluation
3-3-6 - Clinical Procedures
3-4-1 -Introduction and outline
3-4-2 -Aim of vital pulp therapy
3-4-3 -materials that can be used in vital pulp therapy
3-4-4 -Diagnosis, Caries removal and Hemostatic agent
3-4-5 - Treatment technique
3-4-6 -Restorations
3-5-1 Introduction
3-5-2 - Objective of pulp therapy in children and Differences between primary and permanent teeth
3-5-3 -Diagnosis of pulpally involved tooth
3-5-4 -Pulp Protective Procedures
3-5-5 Pulpotomy
3-5-6 -Pulpectomy
3-5-7 -Apexification
3-6-1- introduction
3-6-2- Intercommunication between pulpal and periodontal tissue and The influence of each one of them on the other-
3-6-3- Differential Diagnosis and Treatment alternatives
3-7-1- Introduction to Geriatric Dentistry and Geriatric Endodontics
3-7-2- Medical History
3-7-3- Chief Complaint, Dental History, Objective Signs and Symptoms
3-7-4- Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
3-8-1- Bleaching procedures
3-9- Fearful Patient
3-10-1-introduction and outline
3-10-2 -Endodontic record
3-10-3-Legal Responsibilities part 1-
3-10-4 Legal Responsibilities part 2
3--10-5 Legal Responsibilities part 3-
3-11 Key Principles of Endodontic Practice Management
2-12-1 Introduction And Outline-
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