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Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition - a Biomimetic Approach
Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition - a Biomimetic Approach
Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition - a Biomimetic Approach
2. Natural oral esthetics
3.1. Introduction-
3.2. Vital Bleaching-
3.3. Micro abrasion vs Mega abrasion
3.4. Non Vital Walking Bleach Technique-
3.5. Re Attachment of tooth Fragment-
4.1. Introduction and Outline
4.2. Type I- Teeth Resistant to Bleaching-
4.3. Type II- Major Morphologic Modification
4.4. Type III - Extensive Restoration in Adults
4.5. Combined Indications and Biologic Consideration
4-6. Perspective eor occlusion
5.1. Introduction-
5.2. Interaction Relationship and Treatment Plan-
5.3. Diagnostic Wax Up and Mock up
5.4. BPRs combined with full coverage crowns-
5.5. special consideration to orthodontic therapy and shade Documentation-
6.1. Introduction and Outline
6.2.1 Tooth Preparation
6.2.2 Tooth Preparation
6.3. Immediate Dentin Bonding and Definitive Impression
6.4. Provisionalization
7.1. Introduction and Outline
7.2. Veneers Laboratory Procedures
7.3. Try-In and Cementation Procedures
8 Maintenance & Repairs
4.5. Combined Indications and Biologic Consideration
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